“We must go to six caregivers per resident in nursing homes, against 2.4 today”, for a deputy from Nupes

The Orpea group presented a transformation plan on Tuesday, November 15, which “is not up to par”, according to the deputy for Meurthe-et-Moselle Caroline Fiat.

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Caroline Fiat, Nupes deputy for Meurthe-et-Moselle, estimated on Tuesday November 15 on franceinfo that a better ratio of carers per resident in nursing homes must be guaranteed, to ensure better quality of care. “At present, we have an average of 2.4 caregivers at the bedside of the resident”she says. “I say that we have to go to six. Six caregivers at the bedside of the resident, that’s one hour and a half of care per day”says Caroline Fiat.

“We no longer have a choice. How do you expect us to properly take care of our residents if there aren’t enough of us?”, asks the MP, who had tabled an amendment to guarantee a number of health professionals per resident of Ehpad, in the debates on the Social Security budget. This amendment had been maintained by the government, before being deleted by the Senate: Caroline Fiat counts “put it back” next week, since the text must return to the National Assembly, except unlikely agreement Tuesday, November 15 in the evening between the two chambers.

MP Nupes from Meurthe-et-Moselle also believes that the transformation plan presented Tuesday by Orpea, almost a year after the revelations of abuse within its nursing homes, is not up to par. “I would like to hear that they are going to review their policy, that they are going to stop wanting to make money on the loss of autonomy of others”she says.

“To improve the conditions [des résidents]you shouldn’t always be on the lookout for what the shareholders are asking for in terms of dividends on the other side, because at some point, it doesn’t work”. However, it welcomes the searches carried out since Tuesday, November 15 in the morning in several nursing homes of the group.

Taking countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands as examples, Caroline Fiat calls for a review of the role of the private sector: “You have to know how to be firm and say no, say that in France we forbid making money on the loss of autonomy of our elders.”

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