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Monday, March 28, as the official campaign period begins, Anne-Sophie Lapix interviews Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election, present on the set of 20 Hours.
“President of the Republic, I am passing a law separating lobbies and the State”, said Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate for the presidential election, Monday, March 28, on the set of 20 Hours. He asserted that the company TotalEnergies was complicit in war crimes, since it continues to buy gas from Russia. “A large French group must do like other large international groups, withdraw from Russia”assumes the candidate.
For the candidate, it is important to get rid of Russian gas, but gas in general. “We must do without fossil fuels”, assures Yannick Jadot. Among his measures, the candidate proposes to restore a solidarity tax on wealth. “The rich will be taxed fairly and as their heritage often contributes to the financing of climate change, yes, there will be a climate penalty”. He also wishes “fix the school” by recruiting 65,000 teachers.