Frank Lanoux, architect of the success of RMC radio from 2001 and for 15 years, publishes his “Dictionary of radio lovers”. He called on a hundred radio personalities to paint the history and the world of radio.
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More than a tribute, a true declaration of love. The Radio Lover’s Dictionary (Plon editions) directed by Frank Lanoux brings together a nice line-up of personalities who linger over a word from the radio medium.
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Thus, Philippe Labro writes on the word “director”, when Laurent Ruquier delivers on “humor”, Christophe Hondelatte on “direct”, Marc-Olivier Fogiel “morning” and Marc Fauvelle “childhood”… Guest of franceinfo, Frank Lanoux, the former boss of RMC, also details a few other words chosen from this dictionary like no other: antenna color, writing, report, story, tell, game, studio…
The man who revived Radio Monte Carlo from 2001 and for 15 years confides that innovation is at the heart of the FM band: “This book project is almost militant or activist in relation to the radio, because we criticize it so much”, he complains. And to insist: “We must defend the radio against the dictatorship of the image”. A plea shared by many directors of radio stations, such as Alain Weill, Michel Boyon, Laurence Bloch, Olivier Mazerolle, Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, Pierre Bellanger or even Jean-Luc Hess.