“We must be able to reduce the number,” said Isère MP Caroline Abadie

Extractions of detainees, “130,000 last year, […] are great moments of vulnerability”, points out the Renaissance MP who will co-lead the mission.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Isère

Radio France


Reading time: 2 min

A prison administration van.  (NATHALIE COL / RADIO FRANCE)

“We cannot continue to endanger our prison staff [..] we must be able to lower this number [d’extractions de détenus]”, estimates Monday May 20 on France Bleu Isère the deputy (Renaissance) of the 8th constituency of Isère, Caroline Abadie, who will co-lead a flash mission, after the escape last Tuesday of Mohamed Amra and the death of two agents penitentiaries. Another deputy from the LR group will be designated “tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when the commission meets”, specifies Caroline Abadie.

According to the MP, “there are a lot of extractions. There were 130,000 last year for all of France, and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes did a million kilometers last year”, describes Caroline Abadie. Extractions of detainees “are great moments of vulnerability. Beyond the material side that the Minister of Justice has clearly understood, we cannot continue to endanger our prison staff for a million kilometers if only for Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes, we must be able to lower this number”, pleads the chosen one.

The idea of ​​his flash mission is therefore to “find solutions to reduce the number of extractions”. Among the trips, she plans to reduce the appointments with the judge for releases. “Quite grotesque situations have been brought to my attention, where detainees can be released every fortnight because they request, for example, requests for release. They have the right to request it every fortnight, is that useful? to go to court every two weeks?” questions MP Renaissance.

“We are going to see if there are any delaying tactics, things where it is not necessarily essential to be in person, where video could be enoughshe announces. There are judges who use video a lot, or in any case offer it systematically. The detainee can refuse it, it is the right of the defense, but there are judges who do not necessarily offer it.”

Other avenues for reflection: improve weapon carrying so that it is more practical in the car and not blocked at the hip with a “holster placed on the chest or thigh”; transport detainees in unmarked vehicles “more discreet, faster”to be less vulnerable on the road. “The standardization of vehicles will be launched in our region but I think that all regions will follow. Estimates are in progress”concludes the elected official.

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