“We must ask ourselves the question of their reintegration” because “it becomes absurd”, considers the president of the LR group in the Assembly


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For Olivier Marleix, the question of the reintegration of caregivers who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 arises when the Academy of Medicine recently “firmly” opposed this possibility.

“Obviously we have to ask ourselves the question of the reintegration of non-vaccinated caregivers” against the Covid-19, estimated Olivier Marleix, the president of the group Les Républicains in the National Assembly, Wednesday July 20 on franceinfo. “As soon as there is no longer any obligation for our compatriots, as soon as we consider that the epidemic is behind us, we must put an end to this measure”, he added. In a notice published on Tuesday, the Academy of Medicine nevertheless “firmly” opposed their reinstatement, judging that a “turnaround” would harm the “climate of trust” between caregivers and patients.

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Olivier Marleix particularly denounced this suspension, beyond caregivers, in the current period of high heat. “Sincerely, today, prohibiting a firefighter from exercising, it no longer makes any sense”, he continued, while fires have been ravaging the Gironde for a week. He also cites the example of caregivers in structures for the elderly: “When we see the heat wave situation in our nursing homes and the need to ensure that care is provided to the elderly, all of this becomes absurd and no longer makes sense.”

The president of the LR group in the National Assembly says he relies on the expertise of certain epidemiologists who explain that “in a country with 95% vaccination coverage, the 5% of non-vaccinated people are no longer a subject”. Olivier Marleix, however, considers “that precautions must be taken in the coming months, especially in contact with the most fragile patients”.

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