We make jars with Denis Tabouillot from P’tit Comptoir in Lunéville

With tomatoes, for example, you can make coulis and keep it in jars, but you can also keep them whole, Denis explained to us how to do it.

You can also cook in jars, for example by making a pesto with basil, which is still growing very well in Lorraine at the moment.

Our leader

Denis Tabouillot is chef and owner of the restaurant “le p’tit Comptoir” in Lunéville.

Our culinary expert

Karine is a druggist in Nancy (rue Raugraff, in the main street near the Porte de la Craffe…) and she reminded us of the equipment needed to make jars.

One day a trade,

Every Tuesday we go to the butcher who sells Lorraine meat to get ideas and take a look at the prices.

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