“We learned a lesson” – Brendan Gallagher

Brendan Gallagher wears an “A” on his jersey. At 30 and in his 11th season with the Canadiens, Gallagher can afford to speak like a veteran. He did it after that 6-4 loss to the Blue Jackets.

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“We learned a lesson. The first was probably our worst time of the year. When you put yourself in trouble, you complicate your life. It’s too hard to come back from behind in this league. You can get there once in a while, but not often. You don’t win the game in the first period, but you can shoot yourself in the foot. »

–Brendan Gallagher

Samuel Montembeault still had on his heart the fourth goal of the Jackets, that of Sean Kuraly. Tied 3-3, Kuraly put Evgenii Dadonov and Jordan to sleep before beating the CH goalkeeper.

“The first two periods, I played well. But I find that it became more complicated in the third. I didn’t like the fourth goal. I hesitated. There was a goal on a three against one and for the fifth goal, I did not see the shot. We had just tied the game at 3-3. I would have liked to make the stops. »

–Samuel Montembeault

Like Gallagher, Martin St-Louis described the first period as the worst of the season for his team. The head coach, however, did not share the opinion of Gallagher who refuses to blame inexperience and youth

“We had a bad start, but we recovered fairly quickly in the second period. But we shoot ourselves in the foot. Are you young? A little. But youth also gives us something positive. There were a lot of positives. I’m more disappointed with the first than losing the match, because we fought anyway. »

– Martin St-Louis

Nick Suzuki scored his 11th goal of the season in addition to collecting an assist on Jordan Harris’ goal. The captain made an interesting confession after the game.

“We probably thought it was going to be easier because of the Blue Jackets injuries. Marty (Martin St-Louis) made good adjustments after our very bad first period. »

–Nick Suzuki

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