We leaf through “Légumaniaque”, the new cookbook by Sylvia Gabet

“Légumaniaque” from the garden or from the market in your kitchen. This book, far from being Sylvia Gabet’s first, is made for all lovers of vegetable cooking. It is neither a book on vegetarianism or veganism, on the contrary. The vegetables are worked there in a simple and fast way and are often associated with the cooking of meat, poison, shellfish, …
Over the four seasons, short and easy recipes to save time in the kitchen, eat healthy, colorful and balanced with a shower of tips for consuming vegetables from A to Z in “zero waste” mode as Sylvia says!

Vegetables to cook. ©Getty

In total and if we count, more than 200 recipes on more than 30 families of vegetables and more than 200 different varieties. To you gazpachos, pies, creams, tajine, casserole, gratin, risotto, wok, soup and broth, smoothie, …

Cooking vegetables.
Cooking vegetables. ©Getty

A gesture for the planet on our small scale!

In this “Légumaniaque” book, Sylvia Gabet stirs up our “green side”, the scene is set in her editorial where she recalls that planting your diet represents 40% of what everyone can do at their own level to limit our impact on the planet. A nature-oriented author who worked for two years to complete this book, which you absolutely must leave on your kitchen worktop.

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