“We laugh with people with disabilities, not at their expense”, say the producers of the film “A little thing in addition”, to explain its success in theaters

Pierre Forette and Thierry Wong confirm to franceinfo the excellent start in theaters of the film by comedian Artus: nearly 500,000 admissions in three days.


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Image taken from the film's trailer "A little something extra"released on May 1, 2024 (PAN-DISTRIBUTION)

The movie A little something extraby comedian Artus, marks the best start of the year with nearly 500,000 admissions in three days, the film’s producers announced on franceinfo, Saturday May 4. “Honestly, we didn’t expect such a start even if we saw that the film was very popular, precisely because it has a little something extra”smiles one of the producers, Thierry Wong. “We would be very happy to reach a million this weekend”steps forward the other producer, Pierre Forette.

The producers explain that they were “confronted with a lot of reluctance” when they proposed their films to financiers, even if “Canal + and M6 believed in the project from the start.” “There is always a risk, objectively, on a first film”, specifies Thierry Wong. In the case of that of Artus, there was “an additional risk” with the “eleven actors with disabilities, who were not professionals, not stars”, he continues. In addition, the comedian wrote the end of his script after the casting “to adapt the script to the actors he had found”adds Pierre Forette. “One of the secrets of the film is that we laugh with them and not at their expense”, “we are complicit with them”says Pierre Forette.

In A little something extraa father and his son on the run hide in a summer camp for disabled adults, posing as a resident and his specialized educator. “It’s not a film about disability, that’s not the subject of the film”, “it’s the story of an imposture, of a father and his son who are immersed in this universe”he explains.

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