“We laid down our arms”: Anthony Delon talks about his relationship with his parents, Nathalie and Alain Delon

Anthony Delon does not only have cinema and television in his life, he also writes. This Thursday, March 10, the 57-year-old actor revealed the most intimate thoughts of his life in Between dog and wolf, autobiographical story published by Editions du Cherche Midi. In these pages, the companion of Sveva Alviti returns to the chaotic but so passionate ties that bind him to his parents, Nathalie and Alain Delon. A work started several years ago:Three months after my father’s stroke, a fatal cancer was detected in my mother, pancreatic cancer, and in the months that followed I felt an emptiness inside, an anguish, a fear. I felt death lurking. I felt the need to inscribe this life, these memories, these images in stonehe confided to RTL this Monday, March 14. Faced with the departure of a loved one, we have things to say. It’s important to put things straight, to say I love you, I don’t blame you anymore or to say sorry. These are important things.

For a long time the relations between Anthony, Alain and Nathalie Delon were explosive. Anthony Delon suffered from it and never hid it. But father of two daughters now, he sees things differently and knows that life is too short to live in resentment. If he evokes without taboo the family quarrels and the consequences they had on him, it is for the sole purpose of starting from scratch: “This book is not a settling of accounts. There is no hatred or bitterness but love, even if I hide nothing of the sufferings and injustices that my father was able to make me endure, any more than I spare my motherhe adds in an interview for TV 7 Days. Today, he and I took a step back. We laid down our arms.”

Father and son finally seem to be on the same wavelength. An appeasement at the end of which Anthony and Alain Delon even sealed a pact: “In a surge of tenderness, he asked me to take care of his last moments, as I was able to do for my mother.” he continues. When Nathalie Delon learned that she was doomed by her cancer, the actress made it a point of honor not to endure weeks of suffering. Her son Anthony was therefore ready to go all the way to accompany him:She decided to die as she had lived, that is to say when she decided. She had chosen euthanasia. Fortunately, we did not resort to this process, I say fortunately because everything was ready, we had the person, everything was ready. […] But it’s true that it would have been difficult for us to hold her hand and see life leave her like that“. Let’s hope he doesn’t have this painful choice to make for his dad.

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