“We insult my person, we insult millions of French people who look like me”, declares the deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo

During a question to the government on migrants, LFI deputy Carlos Martens Bilongo was interrupted after racist remarks from the ranks of the RN. The sentence “that he (they) return (nt) to Africa” ​​was pronounced by the deputy Grégoire de Fournas.

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“Today in the hemicycle, we insult my person. We insult millions of French people who look like me”declares Thursday November 3 on franceinfo Carlos Martens Bilongo, deputy La France insoumise of Val-d’Oise arrested during his speech at the National Assembly by a deputy National Rally who launched racist remarks.

>> Racist remarks to the Assembly: follow our live

“All the deputies of Renaissance, MoDem and even us, La France insoumise, heard the same thing”continues the left-wing deputy who affirms that his colleague from the RN Grégoire de Fournas wants “distort the truth”. According to him, even if he adds a “that he(they)”claims to have heard “Go back to Africa”. The conclusions of the office of the National Assembly on Friday will make it possible to see more clearly. “One thing is certain”for Carlos Martens Bilongo, let his colleague say “Let them” Where “Let him return(s) to Africa”these are words “racists”.

Regarding the possible sanctions that the office of the Assembly may or may not pronounce on Friday, the rebellious deputy repeats that he wishes them to be exemplary.

“There are millions of French people waiting for this sanction. Here is the true face of the National Rally.”

Carlos Martens Bilongo, deputy La France insoumise

at franceinfo

Finally, when asked whether he intends to file a complaint, he replies: “He has parliamentary immunity. The comments made in the hemicycle are difficult to condemn”he explains before adding: “I had a call from the police station of my constituency which brought me all the solidarity and which invites me to lodge a complaint even symbolically.”

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