“We immediately need a UN investigation into all the facts”, says Marine Le Pen

“Obviously, when civilians who are unarmed are murdered in appalling conditions, this is a war crime,” said the National Rally presidential candidate. She also believes that dialogue with Vladimir Putin must be maintained.

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“There must be an immediate UN investigation into the full facts”estimates Marine Le Pen, RN presidential candidate, on Tuesday on France Inter, after the massacre of Boutcha, near the Ukrainian capital. “I had claimed it for Mariupol” and the bombardments in the maternity ward and the theater of this city besieged by the Russians.

>> Massacre of civilians in Boutcha: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will speak to the UN Security Council on Tuesday. Follow our live.

For the crimes attributed to the Russians at Boutcha, “the UN must go on the ground to carry out an investigation, to determine who are responsible for these war crimes”added the far-right candidate. “Obviously, when civilians who are unarmed are murdered in appalling conditions, that is a war crime.”

>> “They ordered us to dig holes and said that these would be our graves”, says a resident of Boutcha

Marine Le Pen says she believes “to international law” when the question was put to him as to whether there was any doubt about the origin of the attackers. “We have international structures that are there for that, we must trust them and the UN must investigate all the facts that have been brought to our attention”.

For her, “People who are convicted of having committed war crimes cannot rejoin the concert of Nations”. Russia still rejects “categorically” all charges related to the discovery of a large number of civilian bodies in Boutcha. We must maintain the dialogue with Vladimir Putin, she assures us: “Emmanuel Macron continues to call Vladimir Putin every day”. And “when I say that Russia is not going to move, in any case it is a country which is in Europe and that consequently it will be necessary to find in the future the means to find a channel of discussion”.

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