“We hope that his release remains a priority file” for France and Mali, worries his support committee

“The concern is growing,” says Célia d’Almeida, journalist and friend of Olivier Dubois. “Olivier has been away from us for ten months, away from his family.”

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“We hope that his forthcoming release, under the best conditions, remains a priority file for the French and Malian authorities”, said Tuesday, February 8 on franceinfo Célia d’Almeida, spokesperson for the Malian support committee for Olivier Dubois, a French journalist kidnapped ten months ago in Mali. While diplomatic relations between France and Mali have deteriorated in recent weeks, Olivier Dubois’ supporters keep “the hope that beyond the political questions, the release of Olivier remains a file on which the spirit of collaboration continues to prevail”because “every day that passes is one day too many for us.”

“Olivier has been away from us for ten months, away from his family, from this job he loves, from this life in perpetual motion that he always had until that fateful day of April 8.”

Célia d’Almeida, spokesperson for the Malian support committee for Olivier Dubois

at franceinfo

“The concern is growing”, testifies Célia d’Almeida, journalist and friend of Olivier Dubois. The spokesperson for the support committee has not seen any proof of the kidnapped journalist’s life since the video published in May 2021 in which he himself announced that he was being held by jihadists from the Islam Support Group and Muslims (GSIM).

Célia d’Almeida says keep “a lot of hope” of the forthcoming release of Olivier Dubois. “We hope that his imminent release, under the best conditions, remains a priority file for the French and Malian authorities, and that they overcome their differences to continue working on it.” Supporters of Olivier Dubois continue to mobilize “in France, in Mali, in Guadeloupe, elsewhere in Africa”says Célia d’Almeida. “More and more people feel concerned by Olivier’s situation, we are trying to implement actions, several newspapers continue to put Olivier’s photo as a banner every day and therefore everyone at their level continues”she says.

Independent journalist, Olivier Dubois, 46, has lived in Mali since 2015 and writes regularly for newspapers Release, Point and Young Africa.

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