“We hope for the fall of the regime”, testifies a demonstrator

“For all these years, they’ve done what they wanted with us, but enough is enough!” This is the first time that Sara*, a 26-year-old Iranian, has demonstrated against power. She participates in demonstrations that have been linked for seven days in Tehran. The mobilization does not weaken while the Iranian president Ebrahim Raïsi promised, Thursday, September 22, an investigation into the conditions of the death of Mahsa Amini. This young woman died after being arrested by the morality police.

>> Demonstrations in Iran: “Anger crosses social classes, it’s unprecedented”, says historian Jonathan Piron

In around thirty cities, the demonstrators face violent repression. Oslo-based NGO Iran Human Rights reports at least 31 dead, state television counts 17. In addition, authorities have imposed drastic restrictions on the Internet, including blocking access to Instagram and WhatsApp. Sara was able to answer questions from franceinfo via an encrypted computer network.

“For all these years they did what they wanted with us, they insulted us, shot us, controlled us with fear.says Sarah. But that’s enough! We hope for the fall of the regime and one day it will happen.” Like most Iranians that franceinfo has been able to contact, the young woman describes a particularly violent repression, but she promises that she will continue to demonstrate despite everything.

“The last days, [les soldats] had truncheons and tear gas. And now they have guns. They are killing us”

Sara, an Iranian protester

at franceinfo

“Many people died, far more than the official toll they gavesays Sarah. We are all very scared, but if we don’t take to the streets despite the repression, these people will be dead for nothing.”

The other fear of the young woman is that internet access, already very restricted, will be completely suspended in the country: “If they cut the connections to completely isolate us from the rest of the world, please don’t forget us. Remember we are fighting against these monsters.” For its part, the Islamic Republic of Iran denounces “actions carried out by counter-revolutionaries against national security”.

*the first name has been changed

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