“We have to wait to find out more,” says the French ambassador to Ukraine

“There will be consultations all day in different settings, we have to wait to find out more”, reacts with caution Etienne de Poncins, ambassador of France in Ukraine, on franceinfo Wednesday, November 16, the day after the fall of a missile in Poland. These discussions will take place notably “in Bali during the G20 or in Brussels”. “Let’s wait for the course of the day and the consultations before making assumptions”insists the diplomat.

The Polish army was on Wednesday on heightened alert after the launch of this missile, probably of Russian manufacture but whose origin remains unknown, in a village in the south-east of the country, near the border with Ukraine.

“This episode comes within the framework of the general aggression of Russia vis-à-vis Ukraine, so we have to put it back” things “in a broader context”, he recalls.“This episode comes within the framework of Russia’s general aggression towards Ukraine which began on February 24,” recalls the French ambassador to Ukraine. This war is marked “since october” by one “Russian offensive with a series of massive strikes”.

France to deliver “generators” to Ukraine

On Tuesday, Russia fired around 100 missiles hitting several critical energy infrastructures in different Ukrainian regions. These strikes are aimed “to circumvent the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense”, says Etienne de Poncins. According to him, this offensive “aims to bring Ukraine to its knees on energy.” “It tests Ukrainian resistance and resilience in the energy field”he says.

Due to these strikes, in kyiv, electricity does not work “qthree or four hours a day in certain neighborhoods”, noted Etienne de Poncins. And if “these Russian strikes hurt”, the diplomat does not consider that “this leads the population to give in”. France “try to be by the side” Ukrainians, to help them “to overcome the difficulties of winter”, adds the ambassador. Especially in terms of energy supply. The French ambassador to Ukraine announces that France “will deliver” to Ukraine “generators in the context of French humanitarian aid”.

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