“We have to make fairly concrete proposals and reach out” before the decision of the Constitutional Council, believes Stéphane Séjourné


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A week before the decision of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform, the secretary general of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné shares the Prime Minister’s desire for “appeasement”.

“We have to make fairly concrete proposals and reach out”declared the secretary general of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné, Friday, April 7 on franceinfo. “The debate must be opened before the Constitutional Council”said the leader of the presidential majority, a week before the decision of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform.

>> Pension reform: Elisabeth Borne calls for “appeasement”, the Elysée replies that “the course has been set by the president”

If the MEP mentioned a drop in mobilization the day after the eleventh demonstration against the pension reform, he recognizes that “the concerns remain there”. “It is up to us, political leaders, to make proposals, to open heads of chapters with the social partners”he continued. “This is what the Prime Minister has started to do now, with an initial discussion, an outstretched hand with the social partners, but also the political parties”he argued, thus recalling Emmanuel Macron’s request made to Elisabeth Borne to renew dialogue with the unions and widen his majority.

“I think everyone wants to calm things down”he explained while Élisabeth Borne called Friday at “don’t rush things”in a context where “the country needs appeasement”. “Everyone wants social appeasement and to respond to the concerns of the French”assured the leader of the presidential majority.

And I don’t think that with the Constitutional Council, the concerns of the French people disappear. You have to be lucid. And so yes, we have a higher responsibility, it is to make proposals and to organize the different political priorities”concluded the MEP, referring to the “question of purchasing power”, “housing”, “food prices” or “labor conditions”. For the president of the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament and head of the presidential party, the decision of the Constitutional Council “completes the democratic course of the law” on pensions. “But the political work begins”he added.

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