“We have to fight, we have no other choice,” says kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko

For almost ten years, Vitali Klitschko has headed kyiv town hall. The former boxing star is one of the figures of the Ukrainian political scene, entirely engaged in the war against Russia for two years. Despite the military difficulties of recent weeks, while the Russian army is gaining ground, he still believes in victory and assures it: “Falling is not an option”. Vitali Klitschko gave an interview to franceinfo on Saturday February 23.

franceinfo: Two years have passed. Ukraine is tired. As mayor of kyiv, are you too tired?

Vitali Klitschko, mayor of kyiv: Two years ago, all the experts in the world gave us a few days, a few weeks at most, to stand against the most powerful army in the world, the Russian army. Currently, in two years, we have successfully defended our country against the most powerful army in the world. We defended ourselves successfully. And yes, of course, in two years we have had enormous battles and enormous challenges in our country. And this war has destroyed the lives of millions of people in Ukraine. We have millions of people outside Ukraine and millions of refugees inside the country. And yes, of course, the war has a huge impact for everyone, for all Ukrainians. And one of the wishes that we share with all Ukrainians is the question: when will the war end? We have no other choice: we must fight and we are fighting for our future, for our independence. We are fighting to be part of the European democratic family.

Of course, this war is having an impact and we are tired. But endurance is very important. It is very important to be strong. And thank you very much to all our partners who support Ukraine. This gives us incredible power, which allows us to continue fighting and defending democratic values.

What is your daily life like during wartime, as mayor of Ukraine’s capital?

We are responsible for the services. We are responsible for the safety of our citizens. And at present the population of the capital of Ukraine is 3.5 million people. Out of 3.5 million, there are about 450,000 refugees from eastern and southern Ukraine. And everyone should benefit from these services. The children go to nursery school, to school. We are responsible for medical care. We are responsible for services in our hometown and the challenges are very significant. Because the infrastructure is destroyed. The economy is not working well. And we don’t have as many people as workers in many professions.

“We don’t have enough bus drivers. Because there are more than 100,000 citizens in our hometown who wear a uniform, carry weapons to defend our homeland.”

Vitali Klitschko, mayor of kyiv

at franceinfo

This is not an easy task, but kyiv has a special status. And the stability of the entire country depends on the stability of the heart of Ukraine. And it’s no secret. kyiv as the capital, kyiv as the heart of the country, was targeted and continues to be targeted by the Russians. This is why we must be strong. And, when it comes to services, the city works. We have many challenges ahead, but we are strong and we continue to fight.

What human losses have you recorded in kyiv in two years?

The front line has never been in our hometown, but Russian kamikaze drones and missiles have destroyed more than 800 buildings, more than 450 apartment buildings, killed more than 200 civilians – I’m talking about civilians. More than 200 of our citizens and seven children. It is a great tragedy.

At the start of the war the Russian army arrived at the gates of kyiv. Is this scenario possible again?

We calculate different scenarios. Additionally, it is very important to not just calculate, but to prepare for all scenarios. Even in the worst case scenario. If the Russians decide to return to kyiv, it will be their biggest mistake. We are now preparing much better for different scenarios.

There have been several corruption scandals, could this be a blow to national solidarity?

Yes of course. It is very important to have the trust of our partners, to be transparent, and accountable for everything we do in Ukraine. And, in my opinion, the discussion is more about corruption than corruption. Whatever happens, we must do everything to ensure that everything is transparent and never lose the trust of our partners. And during this period also, we must implement reforms, a lot of reforms. We must be ready for the day after tomorrow. I mean, when peace returns to Ukraine to implement all reforms and to become an integral part of the European family. And one of the reforms is the anti-corruption reform. One of them is the reform of the Court. One of them is self-government reform. It’s up to us to do it. Lots of homework, to truly be part of a democratic family.

To carry out these reforms, do you think that Volodymyr Zelensky is still the man for the job today?

He is president of Ukraine at the moment. And he is actually responsible for everything and also responsible for the reforms. It is very important to never forget what we are fighting for. The reason for this senseless war: we want to be part of the European family. Putin said: “No, you Ukrainians are part of the Russian Empire.” We do not want to be part of the Russian Empire, of an authoritarian regime. We see our future as part of the European democratic family, and we fight for it. And we have never forgotten what our goal is. Our children must live in a democratic world, in a democratic family. This is why it is very important to do everything to implement it. And yes, of course, as President of Ukraine, Zelensky is responsible not only for the defense of our homeland, but also for the implementation of reforms in our country.

There have been several bilateral security agreements, with several countries including France. Do you think that the European surge is a little late?

We need a lot of time to explain, to provide the information. The whole world must understand what this war means. And no one believes what’s happening. The whole world was shocked by the images from Bucha, where Russian soldiers killed many civilians. Putin calls it a special operation.

“Some people call it war. It’s not war. It’s not a special operation. It’s terrorism. It’s genocide of the Ukrainian population.”

Vitali Klitschko

mayor of kyiv

War has rules: never touch children, women, the elderly. The Russians broke all the rules. They destroyed entire cities. They killed so many civilians. And it is genocide. I say Putin needs the country, Putin needs the property. Ask the Ukrainians: they are not needed. They just need the country, without us. Without the Ukrainians.

Volodymyr Zelensky will speak on Sunday. What do you expect from his speech?

Today, unity around Ukraine is very important. It is crucial to help Ukraine. Everyone must understand that this is not a war against Ukraine. It is a war of authoritarianism fighting against democracy. The dictatorship in struggle against the democratic world. And it is very important to understand that Ukraine is one of the largest European countries. Destabilization in Ukraine can lead to destabilization in the entire region. It is essential that Ukraine is a democratic country. It is very important to continue supporting Ukraine, because we are not just defending our homes and cities. We defend each and every one of you. From Moscow they talk about Poland as part of Russia, about the Baltic countries.

“I say to the Germans: never forget that Putin worked for years as a KGB agent in Germany. And in his sick vision, Germany is also part of the Russian Empire.”

Vitali Klitschko

mayor of kyiv

This is why the Russians are going as far, as far as we allow them to go. Never forget that we are defending now, and not just our homes. We defend each and every one of you. This is a huge challenge and a huge danger for the whole of Europe. This is why it is crucial to continue supporting Ukraine. Is life important for everyone in Europe? And it would be a big mistake to think that this is a war thousands of miles from home. This war can affect everyone in Europe and all the inhabitants of our planet. Remember: one of the largest nuclear power plants in Zaporizhia came under fire. And if an explosion occurs in the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, it could be a huge tragedy, an immense tragedy for the whole world. In the worst case, this war can affect everyone on our planet. We must do everything in our power to end this senseless war, to support Ukraine.

Do you still believe in Ukraine’s victory?

I believe it. I think we have no other choice. We must be strong because Russians never pay attention to a weak position. We must be strong on the front lines. We must be strong politically. We must be strong with weapons. We must fight. We have no other choice. Falling is not an option. This is why we have never forgotten that we are fighting for our children, for our future.

In this future for Ukraine, do you imagine yourself president?

It would be a big mistake to think about it. Some politicians make this mistake, do polls, play political competition. Right now the question is: does Ukraine exist or not? Right now we have to fight for Ukraine as a country. And if we lose this senseless war… What are we talking about? Positions? Forget personal ambition. Forget political ambitions. Currently, unity within Ukraine, unity around Ukraine is the key to peace and freedom. This is what we are talking about right now: peace and freedom. And all Ukrainians dream of it. That’s why please don’t talk about political ambitions or positions. It is a mistake. This is why it is very important to win this war. To end this war. And right after that we can make plans for the future.

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