“we have to be able to expel more quickly”, according to Annie Genevard, interim president of the Republicans

The MP for Doubs pleads for “zero tolerance” with “all foreigners”, while Emmanuel Macron has just announced the upcoming presentation of a bill on immigration.

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We must clearly identify the causes of the situation in which we find ourselves. let’s find”, according to Annie Genevard, interim president of the Republicans and deputy of Doubs, invited Friday, September 16 on franceinfo, while the President of the Republic announces a new law in preparation. “He we need to deport faster, there needs to be zero tolerance for all foreigners who engage in acts criminal in France, be much firmer with the countries of origin and condition the visas“, she also adds.

“We must go faster in the procedures, be more effective in putting an end to situations which have become untenable.”

Annie Genevard, interim president of the Republicans

on franceinfo

The President of the Republic has mentioned a policy “inefficient and inhumane“.”It is his own record that he judges“, replies the interim president of the Republicans. “We had the asylum and immigration law during the last five years. It was supposed to allow us to stop circumventing the right of asylum, but we came out more exposed with this law“, judge Annie Genevard.

Also asked about the pension reform, Annie Genevard evokes a situation “imbalance“.”We would already have from doing this reform for five years. There were three years of consultations for nothing, on a reform that was said to be impossible“, ends the interim president of the Republicans and deputy of Doubs.

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