“we have the vaccines, we are going to strengthen our teams”

Prime Minister Jean Castex promised yesterday that 15 million French people may have had their recall at the end of the month. But concretely, when you try to make an appointment on Doctolib, it is sometimes complicated. Doctor Alain Prochasson, president of the CPTS (territorial professional health community) of Metz, invited by France Bleu Lorraine this Tuesday, assures him: “We are going to strengthen our teams, we have vaccine reserves, we have increased vaccination schedules“- the CPTS manages a vaccination center inside the Legouest military hospital, in Metz.

People over 65 will now be able to come and be vaccinated without an appointment, in any center: “we always try to leave places for people who need to be vaccinated. Unfortunately, underlines Doctor Prochasson, Every day we still have people who have made an appointment and who do not come. “

The only way out of this mess is to increase the number of vaccinations even further. “

The most important thing is to convince. We are at war against a virus that changes its face, its mask, regularly. The only way out of this slump is to increase the number of vaccinations even further.“Alain Prochasson, who also regulates for the Samu, says he notes”more and more people who are sick and admit not to be vaccinated. “

Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, has taken another step towards vaccination of children. For Doctor Prochasson, you have to start with “properly vaccinate eligible people, and children at risk. For the others, we do not have enough perspective, even if it seems that there is no problem in the countries which started early this vaccination of children. “

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