Bondy footballer, PSG star Kylian Mbappé “is for sale”. His club announced on Friday that he was free to leave this summer. It is the symbol “of the problems of operation and management of the workforce within the PSG”, analyzes a journalist from SoFoot.
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“We have the impression of a desperate club, which does not know how to solve the problem”, estimated Saturday July 22 on franceinfo Nicolas Kssis-Martov, journalist for SoFoot. The star of the club, Kylian Mbappé, “is for sale now”learned the sports management of Radio France from a source close to the club.
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The situation may result from a “huge misunderstanding”explains Nicolas Kssis-Martov, but it is “In any case” symptomatic of a “poor management of the Mbappé case by PSG”. For the journalist, this is the proof “problems with the functioning and management of the workforce within PSG for many years, which crystallize around a player who is also presented as the heart of the club and its project”.
When the forward’s contract was renewed last year, “we had the impression on the Parisian side that he was there until 2025, when there was an optional year”, explains Nicolas Kssis-Martov. There is also, according to him, a “not preparing for his possible transfer to another club” : “We are reaching this crisis situation where PSG absolutely needs to sell him at the best price for his personal finances”.
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The club leads at the same time “a big communication operation to try to make the supporters believe that everything is the fault of the Parisian striker”, says the journalist. But the PSG star will be “either way winner[e]” : “If he leaves this summer, the few clubs that can position themselves are huge clubs like Real, who are aiming for the Champions League. He would surely be very happy and very well paid there. Otherwise he will re-sign. He has the keys to the game in his hands”.