“We have received a certain number of calls from deputies, including from the majority,” says RN deputy Sébastien Chenu

“We have received a number of calls from MPs, including from the majority,” assures RN MP Sébastien Chenu, Monday July 1, guest of “4V” on France 2. While his party came out on top in the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday, he also declares himself in favor of alliances if the RN wins a relative majority in the National Assembly in the second round. “If there is the capacity to find support [d’autres partis]we will assume this responsibility before the French people”, he lets know. Follow this day live on franceinfo.

The day after. The National Rally and its allies led by Eric Ciotti came first in the first round of the early legislative elections, with 33.15% of the votes, followed by the left-wing parties of the New Popular Front (28%) and the presidential camp coalition. grouped under the Ensemble banner (21%), according to almost final figures from the Ministry of the Interior. The inter-round campaign begins Monday.

Withdrawals in prospect. Faced with the possibility of a far-right majority in the National Assembly on the evening of the second round, July 7, the left-wing coalition chose to withdraw for its candidates who came in third position and were in a triangular toss-up. On the right, the Republicans, who did not follow Eric Ciotti to the RN, do not give their voters any voting instructions. “Personally, I regret this lack of choice,” declared Virginie Duby-Muller, one of the vice-presidents of LR, on Monday, guest of France Inter. For its part, the presidential camp has made it known that it will withdraw in certain cases, but not always in the event of a triangular fight against La France insoumise and the RN.

Unemployment insurance reform put on hold. After the announcement of the results of the first round, the head of government, Gabriel Attal, suspended the implementation of the unemployment insurance reform. The National Rally and the New Popular Front had promised to repeal this reform, which was to tighten again, and in several ways, the rights of job seekers.

Demonstrations on Sunday evening against the extreme right. Thousands of people gathered in the Place de la République in Paris in support of the New Popular Front. Other rallies took place across France. In Lyon, Nantes, Lille and Rennes, dozens, even hundreds of people demonstrated against the far right.

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