“We have not chosen a strategy of repeated incidents”, defends Mathilde Panot, president of the LFI group

What there is to know

No, La France insoumise did not “not chosen a strategy of repeated incidents”, defended Mathilde Panot, Tuesday, February 14, after several highly criticized exits from deputies of the radical left movement during the examination of the pension reform project. While LFI deputy Aurélien Saintoul qualified Olivier Dussopt on Monday evening “murderer” And “of impostor” in the hemicycle, the president of her group estimated in front of the press that “The violence is on the side of the government”. Follow our live.

Yaël Braun-Pivet accuses LFI of leading a “parliamentary guerrilla”. “Obstruction”, “taken to personal part”, “aggressiveness”, “invective” … The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, accused, on Tuesday on RTL, “a group of ‘rebellious’ deputies” to lead a “parliamentary guerrilla” during the examination of the pension reform bill. Contacted by franceinfo, his entourage assured Tuesday morning that “the incident” with Aurélien Saintoul was “closed”.

Article 2 soon to be put to the vote. Monday evening, the Nupes announced the withdrawal of a thousand amendments to progress on article 2 devoted to the senior index, an indicator to encourage companies to employ older employees. However, the article has not yet been voted on and there are still more than 14,000 amendments to be examined on the whole text. The withdrawal of amendments must also make it possible to reach article 7 of the bill on the postponement of the legal age to 64 years.

Another day of protests on Thursday. The debates will be punctuated, Thursday, by a fifth day of action at the call of the inter-union. The CGT on Monday called on railway workers, dockers, electricians, gas workers, chemical and glass workers to strike. And the intersyndicale raises the specter of a “France at a standstill” March 7, after school holidays.

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