“We have never seen this since the end of the Cold War”, these Internet users track the movements of Russian troops

Anonymous on the internet track the movements of the Russian army on the Ukrainian border.

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Russia continues to claim that it has no intention of invading Ukraine, but everything about the situation on the ground seems to indicate otherwise. The army continued, last weekend, to concentrate means around the borders of Ukraine, the satellite images and the videos which turn on the social networks show it very clearly. Officially, these are military maneuvers which are in progress explains the Ministry of Defense but the extent of the means deployed sows doubt.

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One of the highlights of this weekend is the Rostov-on-Don attack submarine crossing the surface of the Bosphorus Strait to enter the Black Sea. Barely ten days ago, this ultramodern building, capable of firing missiles from a dive and which the Russians had used during the war in Syria, was reported in the North Sea.

This concentration of resources around the Ukrainian borders has been documented almost directly for weeks by Internet users specializing in image research. Like this Swiss engineer who wishes to remain anonymous and who posts satellite photos and videos on Twitter showing the extent of Russian troop movements: “We see videos of trains leaving from bases that are closer to North Korea than Europe and we see these same vehicles arriving two weeks later in Belarus.”

For the engineer, “It’s exceptional what is happening. We see traditional armored vehicles such as tanks, logistical equipment, and all that is engineering to be able to build bridges to cross rivers. There are also ballistic missiles. We don’t never seen this since the end of the cold war.”

“We see a lot of ships, some even coming from the Pacific and are arriving in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.”

Swiss engineer

at franceinfo

Among the signs deemed worrying in recent days has been the appearance of field hospitals on certain Russian bases near the border.

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