Video length: 8 min
2024 Legislative Elections: “We have lost”, recognizes Minister Roland Lescure after Emmanuel Macron’s letter to the French
2024 Legislative Elections: “We have lost”, recognizes Minister Roland Lescure after Emmanuel Macron’s letter to the French
In a letter published on Wednesday, July 10, President Emmanuel Macron believes that “no one won” in the legislative elections. Cyrielle Chatelain, EELV MP, and Roland Lescure, Minister of Industry and Renaissance MP, react in the 19/20 info.
Emmanuel Macron came out of his reserve on Wednesday, July 10, by publishing a letter to the French people after the legislative elections. An expected speech, to which reacted in the 19/20 info Cyrielle Chatelain, ecologist MP for Isère, and Roland Lescure, the Minister Delegate for Industry, also MP for the French people established outside France.Nobody took it away“, the president believes in this letter.
For Cyrielle Chatelain, the president does not recognize “the failure of his policy“. And to emphasize that a “The political force that came out on top, certainly not with an absolute majority, is the New Popular Front“. Roland Lescure shares one of his observations: “We have lost”, recognizes the minister, who pointed this out to the head of state this morning. But he also believes that ““No one really won either.”
While acknowledging the arrival at the head of the New Popular Front, Roland Lescure “do not think“that there be”a political force capable of governing France alone“. And to rely on the solution of a coalition.”I am delighted that the president wants to discuss, but for two years you did not have a majority and you did not do that, you wanted to govern alone.“, points out Cyrielle Chatelain.