“We have found our balance”: Who has lived with Marine Le Pen for more than 5 years?

Since the beginning of the presidential campaign, Marine Le Pen has wanted to show another face, that of a normal woman close to the French, far from that of far-right politician and daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen. With this in mind, the candidate of the National Rally, yet known to be modest about her personal life and who regularly boycotts journalists, agreed to respond to Karine Le Marchand in An intimate ambition in November 2021. In the M6 ​​program, we were able to find out with whom the 53-year-old political leader lived, single since her separation from Louis Aliot – with whom she still collaborates – in 2019.

In front of the famous host, she discussed her relationship with her mother Pierrette who left home for years when she was a teenager, her reaction when she learned of her father’s remarriage, but also the person with whom she has lived since. five years : Ingrid, his roommate. A life that rolls for who had offered help to this loved one whom she considers to be her little sister, after a painful personal ordeal.

The latter agreed to intervene in the M6 ​​show: “We knew each other, we were 1 year and a half, 2 years old. Marine is like a sister to me. And then, we never really left each other, we always followed each other. After various adventures in my life, Marine offered me to come and live with her. We make a great roommate at home. We never argue. One does the shopping, the other has lunch or dinner. Marine takes care of the garden very well, the plants give me a little hives so it’s not possible. I take care of the kitchen.

A relationship that perfectly suits Marine Le Pen, delighted that there are no men in her house: “There are only women. Even cats are cats. (…) The house is big enough to live together, to receive our children when they come. it’s been five years now. And then with a girlfriend, the difference with a guy is that we don’t argue. (…) Initially when I offered to host him, I never imagined that she would stay. And then finally, we have each found our balance.

A perfect harmony for the one who is monopolized by her third campaign for the presidential elections. The wolf mother of Jehanne (23 years old), and the twins Louis and Mathilde (19 years old) – born of her marriage to Franck Chauffroy – finds herself in the second round against Emmanuel Macron as in 2017.

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