Opponents are calling for a rally on the A69 this weekend, despite the government’s ban.
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“We have done everything to completely strengthen the security of the site and the regrouping of equipment”assured Saturday June 8 on franceinfo Martial Gerlinger, general director of Atosca, future motorway concessionaire and operator of the site, while opponents of the A69 motorway, under construction between Castres and Toulouse, intend to gather this weekend end “several tens of thousands” of demonstrators. A strong mobilization expected despite the ban pronounced by the government which will mobilize a thousand police officers and gendarmes.
During a previous mobilization last October, two companies engaged in construction were the target of demonstrators. In April, four construction vehicles from the highway project were set on fire. This time, all the material has been collected “on a secure site”warns the dealer, who deplores difficulties “totally unacceptable”. “It has already been several months now that we have unfortunately been accustomed to having pressure, to having attacks on our staff and occasional damage to our equipment”he regrets.
Moreover, “It’s a very advanced project”explained Martial Gerlinger. “We will have 1,200 people working in July and August, when we will be at the peak of earthworks (…), we have approximately 60% of the engineering works committed (…), so we are truly at approximately the middle of the construction site”detailed the general director of Atosca. “Even if the project is complex, we continue to work efficiently and we will respect the schedule set for us by the State”namely delivery of the highway at the end of 2025, he assured.