“We have defeated the lies” of the polls, says Jair Bolsonaro

What there is to know

He believes in his chances. The outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro, only five points ahead of Lula in the first round of the presidential election in Brazil on Sunday October 2, said he was optimistic about the idea of “play the second half” of the presidential election, October 30. “We defeated the lies” polls, the far-right leader said. Lhe latest poll by the benchmark institute Datafolha gave the former left-wing president an advantage of 14 points on Saturday evening. Follow our live.

Lula in the lead in the first lap. The left-wing ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva finished first in the first lap of the presidential election in front of outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro. He is ahead of the far-right leader by five points: Lula obtained 48.4% of the vote, against 43.2% for Bolsonaro, according to almost final but still partial results published by the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE).

A close second round on October 30. Neither of the two candidates obtained an absolute majority, and the two men will be decided in a second round in four weeks.

Optimistic Lula. “It’s just an extension. I can tell you that we are going to win this election. The fight continues, until the final victory”assured the former president (2003-2010) after the proclamation of the results.

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