we have combed through the wishes of the candidates, find out which are the most requested training courses… and the others

According to figures from the statistics and analysis office of the Ministry of Higher Education, these are the licenses that are most popular with general high school students, when students in vocational and technological baccalaureate turn more massively to BTS.

They are 610,946 waiting for the final verdict. 610,946 high school students confirmed at least one wish this year on Parcoursup, the post-baccalaureate orientation platform whose first wave of responses was published on Wednesday June 7, i.e. 96.1% of candidates for the 2023 baccalaureate, according to figures from the Statistics and Analysis Office of the Ministry of Higher Education. Launched in 2018, the platform has collected the wishes of some 917,000 people this year, including 629,000 high school students and 163,000 students who want to change paths.

>> Parcoursup: these high school students in rural or isolated areas who cannot study in the big cities

And the first lesson is that they multiply the wishes. High school students in general streams have thus made an average of between 15 and 16 wishes on the platform, compared to 12 for high school students who will pass their technological baccalaureate in a few days and 7 for students in vocational streams. Among all these wishes, it is the bachelor’s degrees that are most popular, largely due to students in general streams, for whom the bachelor’s degree is the most requested training, and who are much more numerous than students in other streams.

As for high school students in vocational and technological sectors, it is the BTS which is acclaimed. 73.6% of the wishes formulated by the professional terminals are thus requests to integrate BTS training. These plebiscites appear even more clearly on the following graph. Because if for example 30.9% of the wishes formulated by high school students in general streams are wishes to integrate a license, more than 91% of these high school students have formulated a request for a license. Clearly, these are both the most requested training, but also the most widespread wishes.

Popular health studies

Health studies are those with the most candidates, with the Pass (specific health access course) which includes the first year of medicine, maieutics (midwifery studies), orthodontics, pharmacy and physio. This course doubles this year the nursing school, which becomes the second most requested training. In third position of wishes, there are engineering schools. They are clearly up on last year. Finally, law is the license training that has the most success with candidates.

At the other end of the spectrum, certain more specific courses are shunned by high school students. The statistics office of the Ministry of Higher Education tells us that, throughout France, fifteen wishes have been formulated for training in the art of hot foil stamping, when thirteen candidates wish to integrate a professional certificate of educator sportsman specializing in golf. Finally, at the bottom of the ranking, training to become a Protestant chaplain attracts little: four people are interested.

Another lesson, finally, from these figures from the statistics and analysis office of the Ministry of Higher Education, there are notable differences in the wishes according to the gender of the candidates. Thus, women apply for licenses more (35.8%) than men (25.3%). The latter make more wishes in BTS (33.8% of high school students, against 23.1% of high school girls).

This admission phase began on June 1, 2023 and is due to end on July 7. After receiving a positive response, students have until the following evening to validate it on the post-baccalaureate admission platform. As a result, places will therefore become available for the other candidates and the percentage of pupils having received at least one positive response will constantly increase.

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