The centrist elected official, also president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, is worried about the impact that a Russian victory in Ukraine would have on the rest of Europe.
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“Towards Ukraine, we do not have an obligation of means, but an obligation of results”, assures Wednesday February 7 on France Inter Jean-Louis Bourlanges, MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and president of the Foreign Affairs Commission, almost two years after the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. He thus invites European countries to maintain their material support to help kyiv to “continue to resist”. “We have an obligation to achieve results, we must mobilize”insists the deputy for Hauts-de-Seine.
Jean-Louis Bourlanges considers that currently Ukraine “won”. In fact, he explains that “The Russians had a plan to destroy Ukraine, tear it away from the West and dissolve NATO” and “on all these counts, they failed”. He therefore calls on Europe to help kyiv “to defend itself, until the moment when it can reconquer”.
The risks of a Russian victory
The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly warns of the risk that Moscow represents for Europe. “If Russia wins, Europeans leave the stage of History for a long time”, warns Jean-Louis Bourlanges. He also mentions “the concern of the Baltic countries”ensuring that “the Swedes increased their military budget by 40%”.
Jean-Louis Bourlanges regrets that the French “do less than the Germans and the British” for Ukraine. He estimates that “this must change”. The MoDem deputy explains that currently the French military system “is largely based on the force of deterrence, which occupies a large part of our resources, and for the rest we do not have considerable resources”.