“We have a vision, a direction”, is satisfied with the CFE-CGC of General Electric in Belfort

Emmanuel Macron has confirmed the takeover of the nuclear activities of the energy branch of General Electric by EDF.

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“Today, we have a vision, a direction”, was satisfied Thursday, February 10 on franceinfo Philippe Petitcolin, CFE-CGC delegate of General Electric in Belfort, after Emmanuel Macron’s speech in Belfort on the General Electric (GE) site. The Head of State unveiled his roadmap for France’s energy future, insisting in particular on the need to “to resume the thread of the great nuclear adventure in France”. Emmanuel Macron has confirmed the takeover of the nuclear activities of GE’s energy branch by EDF.

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In Belfort, “We have been campaigning for years to rebuild this industrial sector, these strategic skills”, recalls Philippe Petitcolin. Corn “how to do with all these skills that have been suppressed by the General Electric group for seven years?”asks the trade unionist. “Seven years lost. We will have to rebuild. It will be long, it is possible. But this requires a lot of investment, a real policy, with actors who can rebuild from this first stone of takeover by EDF. “

Philippe Petitcolin highlights the “drastic cuts in investments” in GE’s production tool. We must rebuild “from the few old ones that still remain” to build power plant turbines. “This is going to require industrial players who have a long-term vision.” According to him, it will be “difficult”because General Electric has “a short-term profitability objective, therefore reducing costs.”

He pleads for us “paradigm shift” and hammers that “public power is essential”. The CFE-CGC delegate adds that the takeover of the nuclear branch of General Electric by EDF will allow “hires, potential investments, a light at the end of the tunnel to rebuild what General Electric has destroyed for seven years.”

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