Camille Dorioz calls on the government to take more initiatives in the face of the proliferation of studies proving the harmful effects of certain emulsifiers.
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“We have a real problem with additives in our food”estimates Camille Dorioz, director of campaigns at Foodwatch, an association which wants to shed light on “harmful practices in the food industry and the fight for consumer rights”. Invited on Wednesday February 14 on franceinfo, he reacted to a study published by researchers from Inserm and Inrae, which highlights a possible link between certain emulsifiers, which improve the texture and preservation of industrial products, and increased risks of cancers, particularly breast and prostate.
For the Foodwatch campaigns director, additives, such as emulsifiers, but also aspartame or nitrites “are the markers of an ultra-processed diet” on which “Studies are piling up to say that it is not good for your health.”
“How many studies will it take for the Ministers of Health and Agri-Food to take control and decide to reduce the number of additives authorized in our food?”
Camille Dorioz, director of Foodwatch campaigns,at franceinfo
He recalls that the government can take the initiative to ban certain products, without waiting for European decisions, thanks to safeguard clauses. “France can always be a pioneer”he hopes.
The use of these additives is certainly regulated but he considers that “the longer we take products with a long list of ingredients, the more risks we take”. He also states that, “when we dig deeper, we see that there are even greater risks than those assessed from the start”.