“We had very, very complicated periods …” Guillaume Canet frank about his relationship with Marion Cotillard

Guillaume Canet is launched in a promotional marathon for his film Him, in our dark rooms tomorrow, with Laetitia Casta and Virginie Efira. The 48-year-old actor and director was not only the guest of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine yesterday on France 5, for her show C to you, he was also in As an aside, which made its comeback on Canal + a few weeks ago, without Pascale Clark but with Nathalie Lévy.

In the cozy apartment which receives many stars, the former journalist from BFMTV asked Guillaume Canet multiple questions, on his professional life but also on his personal life. After reviewing images of his companion Marion Cotillard playing a bear in a sketch of the Landing, alongside Jean Dujardin, Nathalie Lévy asked Guillaume Canet: “Is that what makes the pepper, the salt of the couple, after fifteen years, and two children?“”I find it pretty crazy that she stays with me, that she continues to stay with me when I see that I offer her these roles, or that I see that I made her speak Quebecois in Rock’N’Roll, she’s nice anyway “, admitted the filmmaker.

As Nathalie Lévy rightly pointed out, the couple formed by Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard are very much based on self-mockery, and fifteen years spent together – with the birth of Marcel ten years ago and Louise four years ago. – it remains long for a couple of actors. Guillaume Canet then spoke frankly about their love story, deconstructing the myth that everything would have always been perfect between them. “The secret is also very, very complicated times, as we have experienced a lot too, and as in all couples. It is a question of knowing if we want to fight or not, and it is not always easy “ recognized the actor and director. But despite everything, the love that Guillaume Canet has for Marion Cotillard has always been stronger than anything, and it is by making a very beautiful declaration of love to her that he concluded on the subject: “There are also wonderful things, her strength that she has. Me, she brings me a lot, I don’t know if I bring her so much.

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