“We had to hurt Kheira Hamraoui”: a suspect makes chilling revelations, a fifth man arrested

It’s an evening that will forever be etched in the minds of Kheira Hamraoui what she experienced was so traumatic and changed her life forever. On November 4, 2021, the player from Paris Saint-Germain and the French team returned by car to her home in Chatou (Yvelines), when she was attacked by two hooded men armed with iron bars. “He drags me to the ground, insults me. (…) When he took out his iron bar, hidden under his jacket, I thought I saw a large knife… I was convinced that he was going to kill”she tells Paris Match today. In the car, her teammate Aminata Diallo is driving and the attackers are not interested in her. Initially indicted, the latter was finally released before the investigation took an interest in her again two weeks ago.

The police officers of the crime prevention brigade of the judicial police of Versailles put her on the phone and according to the information released in the press, they have good reason to believe that she is involved in the case. The 27-year-old player was indicted and then released, but 4 other suspects were arrested and some even named Aminata Diallo as the sponsor of the attack. A fifth suspect was also arrested on September 27 and it would be a certain Bobo D., considered one of the two aggressors of Kheira Hamraoui. For now, he exercised his right to silenceas reported The Parisian today.

I’m tired, I want to be honest… I was the one who carried the iron bar

The latter did not want to reveal if he was indeed one of the two attackers of the player, unlike Manzi N., who confessed on September 15 while in police custody. “I’m tired, I want to be honest… It was me who carried the iron bar and it was I who hit Kheira Hamraoui while my accomplice pretended to hold Aminata Diallo at bay. I gave two blows to the leg”, he explains before. And to say more about the motive for the attack: “I think it was for one game. Aminata, she wanted to play, but she hadn’t been chosen, so we had to hurt Kheira Hamraoui so she can’t play.” Words that are chilling and go in the direction of an involvement of Aminata Diallo as the main protagonist in this affair.

Aminata Diallo remains presumed innocent of the charges against her until the final judgment.

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