“We had the perfect match away from home”, the declarations of Sauveterre and Clarkin after Montauban

the Olympic Biarritz
has he finally launched his machine? In Montauban this Thursday, October 6 for the recovery, after a one week break
, the Biarrots made a more than convincing copy, probably their best since the start of the season. Around’an attractive experimental Aurrekoetxea – Germain hinge
and D’a tireless Johnny Dyer, real poison in the rucks, Biarritz has built a founding success for the rest of the season (46-32)
. First away victory for Guy Millar’s teammates, moreover at Sapiac, where the soundtrack has been struggling since 2004. Above all, Biarritz gave the impression of having taken the match by the right end, and to hold it for a large part of the meeting, even if Montauban also had its highlights

What to build for the future, Biarritz has shown a self-confidence that we did not know him
again this season, even if there is still work to be done in terms of discipline** (2 yellow cards received).

They said

Thomas Sauveterre, hooker from Biarritz:It’s satisfying because it’s a goal we set ourselves at the start of the week. A victory here is a historic thing. We had never won here, so we had a big challenge to take up to start this bouldering well. It’s done. We hope this will launch us for the future. We were able to exploit almost all of Montauban’s mistakes. We had the perfect game away, even if we were messy at times, and we didn’t have much possession. On the other hand, we managed to capitalize on all their faults.

On the defense of carried balls (three tries conceded in this sector): In Montauban, we knew it was very tough. We could have tried to counter them a little more in the air. We managed to find some solutions by collapsing them at the end of the second half. Maybe we should have done this sooner. But yes, anyway, we knew that they had more density than us and that if we were behind on certain points, we were going to charge. So yes the big black point is the defense of the balls carried.

We were all looking in the same direction, we were in soldier mode. We made the perfect match away from home.

Despite the indiscipline, it’s true that in this match, we felt that we were all looking in the same direction, we felt that we were united. On the first block, we had a lot of players talking. We were all talking on the field. There, we really listened to the leader, we were in soldier mode. It’s good, when in addition we take the score, we have good feelings, we are confident. Even when it’s a little weak moments, we still have this confidence. We feel that the colleague is next, that he is not going to let go. So it’s a match in my opinion that can be very founding for us.

Matthew Clarkin, Sporting Director of Biarritz: “_With this new hinge, we are very satisfied. Kerman Aurrekoetxea and Baptiste Germain have perfectly implemented the strategy and the game plan, it’s very positive. It has to materialize in the weeks to come. It’s that’s what we’re looking for in all positions, we want players who are already serving the team, but once the team moves forward and puts things in place, they also have the qualities to express themselves individually. So I think they played it perfectly. And so I saw two young boys who raised their hands and said, “Here’s what we’re capable of doing.” And now, we will see if it helps to move the machine forward.

Baptiste has all the tools to play 10. It was a success.

Before recruiting Baptiste, he had spoken to me a lot about his ability to play in ten. Even if it is not necessarily his training position. But he is a boy who is very confident in his ability to play 10. He has the right kicking game, as we have seen, not just against the poles (10/12), but in the running game, therefore, it has all the necessary tools to play the opening. It was a success.

It’s a collective maturity, it’s a form of collective trust. I insist on the word “collective” because I saw a block, I saw a team, I saw a state of mind, I saw a lot of things that I liked. But there are always details that we will work on. But the foundations of the team were there. So I liked it a lot.

David Gerard, manager of US Montauban:The match, it is not played on this hinge. If we look, there are not many balls that have exceeded 10, they did not need it. On the other hand, when you see Dyer’s match… don’t look any further, with any 10 the result is the same. They put in the right guys and they played the right game.

It was Christmas in the first half, with an extraordinary efficiency rate on their part. But what’s boring is that you kill yourself to score them four tries, it’s a monstrous collective energy expenditure. And in front of you, it’s a team that has enormous pragmatism, which teaches a lesson in efficiency. We still took three tries to zero assists. So I do not take into account the counter-attack which is magnificent, but I cannot, at some point at this level, be able to claim as a team to cross levels. We cannot, at some point, collect points so easily. Collecting 33 points in the first half is impossible.

Biarritz finds the first half of the Pro D2 chart
with this away win. Next meeting, Friday September 14, in Aguiléra, against Agenfor the 20th anniversary of the 2002 first division final… won at the time by Biarritz against Lot-et-Garonnais.

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