Invited on France Inter on Wednesday, the general secretary of the CGT denounced the government’s “total unpreparedness” on “social issues linked to the Games”.
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“We have had initial responses, but the account is not there at all,” castigates, Wednesday March 13, on France Inter Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, while the union threatens to call a strike during the Paris 2024 Games. Sophie Binet regrets that it was necessary to wait for her union “threatens to file strike notices so that a round table can finally be organized yesterday at the Ministry of the Civil Service.”
Sophie Binet denounces “total unpreparedness” of the government “on all social issues linked to the Games”, evoking the situation of police officers or even caregivers. She thus claims to have not “no guarantee that hospitals can operate normally in summer and cope with the influx of visitors”. “We do not know how the necessary recruitment will be carried out, nor how the agents who will have to come to Paris to strengthen the services will be accommodated,” lists the boss of the CGT. She deplores the absence of “continuity plan to ensure additional patient care” during the event.
“No response on private sector employees”
The general secretary of the CGT also ensures “have no answer about private sector employees”. She thus recalls that “many companies will be in security perimeters linked to the Games to which employees will not be able to access.” But Sophie Binet wonders what will be “The compensation” employees, or if they will be “forced to work at home, while for many in August their homes are uninhabitable”. So she asks “to the Prime Minister to organize a round table at Matignon” to address these issues.
“The goal is for the Olympics to be a success, but for that the government must answer the questions we ask and stop thinking that it can impose everything by force while disregarding the situation of workers”, says Sophie Binet. The leader of the CGT then responded to the criticisms expressed in particular by the Minister of Transport Patrice Vergriete who assured, on France Inter at the end of February, not “believe for a single moment that employees will endanger the image of France or their company in the eyes of the whole world”. Sophie Binet on Wednesday denounces a “blackmail”. She maintains that her union is demanding “exemplary Games and to stop that under the pretext of the Games we ask the [salariés] to work under any conditions” and therefore not “in disregard of their social and health situation”.