We finally have a real choice!

Do you remember when we went to vote and we only had the choice between Fruit Loops and Corn Flakes?

Voting consisted only of “changing the wrong place”…

Cereals for everyone!

This year, the offer on the shelves is really varied.

There is a party clearly anchored on the right, a party clearly anchored on the left, a proudly sovereignist party, a party that defends the rights of linguistic minorities and a centrist party…

Count Chocula, Muesli, Corn Flakes, Fruit Loops and Rice Krispies.

Not to mention the oatmeal from Climat Québec.

In short, there’s something for everyone.

The important thing this year is to vote for the party you would like to see in power.

Even if this party has no chance of being elected in our constituency.

The results of the popular vote must reflect what could be called “the new ideological geography” of Quebec.

We have plenty of cereal brands on the shelves, let’s make sure that the popular vote reflects this diversity!

History to show the party of François Legault that it is not because our voting system allows him to still be in the majority that he can claim to speak on behalf of all Quebecers.

Tomorrow, let’s put an X next to the candidate who represents the party that “speaks” to us the most!

To hell with the strategy…

Let’s vote with our heart!

Duhaime passed the guitar

What a funny campaign, anyway…

The CAQ was like a plane caught in a storm that was eager for the journey to end so that it could finally land.

While the PQ was like an airplane that would have liked the take-off runway to be longer to have time to really take off.

A campaign too long for one, too short for the other.

The newcomer, Éric Duhaime, climbed very quickly, but leveled off just as quickly.

To “make a background”, the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec passed the scraper and picked up everything that was lying on the ground of the Quebec political landscape.

The problem is that when you pass the scraper in your yard, you pick up a little anything. Flowers and thirty sous, but also apple cores and cigarette butts.

So when the time came to shift into second gear and broaden his base, people looked at what was lying around in Duhaime’s bag and said to themselves: “Phew, I’m really tempted to find myself here with all this what did he pick up? »

“Yes, I find Duhaime interesting, some of his ideas resonate with me, but the gang around him? Not sure… “

The crystal shoe

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon said that the PQ would be the Cinderella party.

As Jean-François Lisée told me with humor on Friday at QUB radio, there is a strong chance that the PQ will actually be invited to the ball tomorrow.

But will the electorate slip him the shoe of the opposition?

Not sure…

Something tells me that the PLQ will keep it. Even if, like the CAQ, he danced very badly…

source site-64