Teachers in this department are demanding more resources to renovate dilapidated school buildings, as well as the creation of 5,000 positions to restore “republican equality”.
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“No return to school on April 22”. After a meeting with the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet, Monday April 15, the inter-union FSU, CGT, SUD and CNT published a press release calling on the teachers of Seine-Saint-Denis to a new strike on Monday April 22, day of the return to school after spring break in zone C. The unions have been calling for several weeks for an emergency plan for education in the department, denouncing in particular unsanitary buildings and a lack of staff. This call for a strike could “prove to be strongly followed”estimates the inter-union.
Since February 26, a protest movement has been formed to demand more resources for schools in Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest territory in France according to INSEE. In addition to operations “deserted school”strikes and rallies were organized, as well as a demonstration under the windows of Matignon.
The unions are demanding the release of “358 million euros” to enable the creation of 5,000 teaching positions and just over 3,000 school life jobs. Twelve municipalities in Seine-Saint-Denis have also attacked the State due to the lack of teachers in the department. “It’s simply a question of asking for republican equality”underlined Monday March 4 on franceinfo Emmanuel Constant, vice-president of the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council in charge of Education.
Among their demands are also thresholds of 20 students per class and the renovation of aging establishments. Another reason for grievances: the creation of level groups at college in mathematics and French, planned for the start of the school year in September. A measure against which teachers have already mobilized on Tuesday April 2. According to the Ministry of National Education, 15% of staff were on strike that day in colleges, 5% in schools, 4% in vocational high schools and 2% in general and technological high schools.
“It’s worrying after six weeks of mobilization”
In a press release, the Ministry of Education recalled at the end of the meeting organized with the unions the investments made by the government since 2017. It committed, without providing precise figures or timetable, to “continue the efforts undertaken in Seine-Saint-Denis”.
Among the stated objectives, he states in particular that a “reinforced team of staff to ensure replacements” is under study or planned to “continue the work of securing establishments, with strengthening of human resources in school life”. The minister will also ensure that “the establishment of groups at college at the start of the 2024 school year (…) be the subject of precise monitoring”according to its services.
“We were promised real announcements, we are not there at all”regrets to AFP Zoé Butzbach, co-secretary of the CGT Education of 93. “The ministry knows our demands, but it has given us an appointment in three weeks (…). It’s playing with fire”. A vision shared by some of his unionized colleagues. “It’s more than disappointing, it’s even worrying, especially after six weeks of mobilization”agrees Marie-Hélène Plard, co-secretary FSU-SNUipp 93, “the ministry does not take stock of the public education service in Seine-Saint-Denis and the extent of the mobilization”she adds to AFP.