“We experience it as an injustice”, reacts a union of general medicine interns

“This fourth year, we experience it as an injustice”, reacted Raphaël Presneau, president of the National Autonomous Intersyndicale Representative of General Medicine Interns (ISNAR-IMG) while the government plans to include in the 2023 budget a fourth year of training internship for medical students , encouraging them to carry it out in medical deserts. Training would thus increase from nine to ten years for general practitioners. “If we want to do a tenth year of training, it has to be a trainer. Sending us only to under-dense areas means sending us to places where, by definition, we have no trainers” , he regretted.

franceinfo: Why are you against this 4th additional year?

Raphael Presneau: This fourth year, we saw it as an injustice because in fact, we were never given a choice. Our fear from the start is that this fourth year, it only makes sense for decision-makers because we are being sent to under-dense areas, but in conditions that will be precarious.

If we are forced to go to under-dense areas, we won’t necessarily have doctors around us to train us, with whom to work. This fourth year is therefore made to decide only where to work and to make it a disguised coercion. If you want to do a tenth year of training, it has to be formative.

The government offers ease of installation, in particular to find housing. It’s not enough ?

Regarding housing, these are demands that we have been making for years, especially with first and second cycle students. In fact, they only see the light of day through local initiatives. And it is illusory to think that tomorrow, we will find accommodation for the 4,000 interns in their final year who will have this fourth year to do.

Not everyone has to go to medical deserts. The purpose of this measure is to encourage you to go there. What could motivate you to do it?

We must have the assurances of having doctors by our side. The assurances that it will be a formative year.

“We need to have a revaluation of our status since it is out of the question that at bac +10, we are satisfied with an intern remuneration which, in net salary, is just above 2 000 euros monthly.”

Raphaël Presneau, President of ISNAR-IMG

at franceinfo

And we need the assurance that we do not have this obligation to go to under-dense areas so that it remains formative.

Is it difficult to settle down as a liberal?

Yes it is difficult. We see a real loss of attractiveness of the liberal model with an increase in salaried doctors in recent years. There are multiple administrative procedures. There is a need for financial support. These are things that greatly hinder young general practitioners from setting up quickly.

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