“We Europeans”. Wind turbines at sea: the revolution – France 3 – May 15, 2022

Major reportage, guests and European news are featured in the magazine We Europeans” (Twitter), presented by Eléonore Gay and broadcast on Sundays at 10:10 a.m. on France 3, as well as late Thursday evenings on France 2. For this new issue of season 3, head toScotland, which made the switch to offshore wind twenty years ago. Energy crisis, climate transition: faced with these challenges, offshore wind turbines represent a solution, but they are the subject of numerous debates all over Europe.

The European Commission has set the course: multiply by five the production capacity of offshore wind turbines in the next eight years and by twenty-five by 2050. The construction of the first French offshore wind farm has just started, offshore of Saint-Nazaire. In a few months, 80 wind turbines will produce enough electricity to supply 20% of the Loire-Atlantique region. Seven other projects are underway in France and two tenders for parks in the Mediterranean have just been launched.

Wind turbines: Scotland goes green

Scotland had built part of its prosperity on oil from the North Sea. It is now turning to marine renewable energies. Seventeen giga-projects of offshore wind turbines have just been authorized…
> A report by Frédérique Maillard-Laudisa and Loïc Lemoigne.


– Frederic Grizauddirector of the Offshore Energy unit at Chantiers de l’Atlantique.

– Patrice Geoffroneconomist (Paris-Dauphine University).

-David Rigaultscallop fisherman.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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