“We especially want to save the home visit”, explains SOS Médecins

SOS Médecins is demonstrating on Tuesday alongside liberal doctors in Paris to demand an increase in consultations and home visits.

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“We especially want to save the home visit”, pleads this Tuesday on franceinfo, Serge Smadja, secretary general of SOS Médecins France, and president of SOS Médecins Grand Paris. SOS Médecins demonstrates Tuesday, February 14 in Paris alongside liberal doctors to ask for a revaluation of consultations and home visits. For Serge Smadja, the home visit “is in danger”, “fewer and fewer young doctors who arrive practice them”.

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“If you align the price of the visit to that of the consultation, the young doctors who arrive in the profession, they will quickly make their choice”, believes Serge Smadja. The secretary general of SOS Médecins underlines the difficulty of home visits.

“Doctors will prefer to do teleconsultation rather than moving around day and night, 24 hours a day, climbing the floors.”

Serge Smadja, General Secretary of SOS Médecins France

at franceinfo

More than a particular rate, Serge Smadja points to “travel allowance”, “a signal from the public authorities”to compensate for the “difficulties of parking and circulation, in particular in the big cities”. The secretary general of SOS Médecins speaks all the same “of a visit which would be twice the price of a consultation”For “note this specificity and the difficulty”.

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