We enjoy the cherries on France Bleu Alsace

Cherries are usually eaten as is, raw, alone or accompanied by other fruits and raw vegetables.

There are many varieties of cherries: montmorency (or morello cherry), heart-of-pigeon, black cherry and many others. The cherry season is short, between May and July, so make the most of it While we most often eat cherries straight from the basket or tray, there are a thousand and one other ways to savor it.

We taste the cherries this morning in the company of Jean-Michel Loessel, the head of the restoring the seeds at the Wantzenau on France Bleu Alsace

Like every day, we are waiting for all your recipes from 10 a.m.

And try your luck at the Fridge Challenge! Every day at 10:50 a.m., our chef awaits your call to “The Fridge Challenge”. The principle is simple:

  • open your fridge door
  • give 4-5 ingredients you have inside
  • in 2 minutes, the Chef present in the studio must imagine a recipe based on the products offered

Every day, if you are selected on the air, you participate for the great Friday giveaway! To be won this week

a red pot in cast aluminum from the Lacor brand compatible with all types of fires and ovens Offered by the CHR Alsace, cafes, hotels, restaurants, a major player with professionals in the catering trade, which now offers its services and products to individuals. From tableware, to furniture, to kitchen or pastry utensils, the teams in Souffelweyersheim and Colmar are there to advise you and support you in your choices.



Passionate about the world of bees and from a family of beekeepers for 4 generations, Eric Lachmann is a beekeeper in Benfeld. He manages the Alsatian hive, with all the phases of production, from the rearing of queen bees to the harvesting and packaging of the various hive products. He tells us about his passion at 10:30 a.m.

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