We eat healthy, fresh and local with the “healthy food” of the salad bar Marcel and Jane in Reims

What if we ate healthier?

Healthy food, we eat healthy, local and fresh!

David Dervin boss of Marcel & Janehealthy food restaurant in Reims is our guest.

Salad bar, soup bar, bagels, juicerie, desserts!!!

David offers organic and reasoned cuisine.

Eating Healthy Food what is it?

It means natural, without chemicals. In concrete terms, it’s “real” food, without industrial, processed products. Food is mostly local and organic. In short, we return to a basic diet and consume foods that grow naturally in the earth and in trees, with animal products, raised in good conditions and fed with foods that are perfectly suited to them. Clearly, refined sugars (sodas, candies, cakes, etc.) and bad fats (fried foods) are not part of Healthy Food!

Who says healthy food, says healthy cooking. It is therefore necessary to plan a little time to organize the menus, the shopping, to identify the small local producers who sell us, most often, high quality products and to know how to read the nutritional labels when sometimes, a ready-made dish imposes itself on us!


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