“We don’t touch the doctor, we don’t touch [aux] people who have power”, assures independent journalist Cécile Andrzejewski


Video duration: 10 min

#MeToo at the hospital: “We don’t touch the doctor, we don’t touch [aux] people who have power”, assures independent journalist Cécile Andrzejewski

#MeToo at the hospital: “We don’t touch the doctor, we don’t touch [aux] people who have power”, assures independent journalist Cécile Andrzejewski


Cécile Andrzejewski, author of “Silence under the blouse”, speaks Thursday April 11 on the franceinfo set. She reacts in particular to the publication of an investigation in the magazine “Paris Match”, in which infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe accuses emergency physician Patrick Pelloux of sexual harassment.

In an investigation of Paris Match, infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe accuses emergency physician Patrick Pelloux of sexual harassment. The independent journalist Cécile Andrzejewski, also author of the investigative book Silence under the blouse (editions Fayard), reacts on franceinfo, Thursday April 11.

Hospital professionals have been talking for years and trying to make themselves heard about what their reality is. We tend to see the hospital as a place where there are a majority of women, (…) which is true. Except that in fact, the question remains in whose hands is the power, who has power over others? Unfortunately, in the hospital as elsewhere, the hierarchical structure means that at the top of the pyramid there are quite often men, who have a certain power and who know they are untouchable and will sometimes abuse it.she analyzes.

“A very strong chef culture”

In her book, Cécile Andrzejewski talks about the culture of secrecy. To the hospital, “several things intersect”indicates the journalist: on the one hand “a very strong culture of the chef, the great surgeon, the great doctor”people with “very strong power over the entire service in which they operate”, and on the other, “a lot of things that remain in the hospital”for example after the loss of patients. “If we are going through something difficult, because the boss has put his hand down his pants, (…) sticks to an intern, (…) we are not going to tell it either”she continues.

Cécile Andrzejewski reports a “total impunity” alleged attackers. “All the people I met for my investigation (…) knew that the day they were going to speak, they were the ones who were going to walk out the door”assures the journalist. “Because in fact, we don’t touch the leader, we don’t touch the doctor, we don’t touch these people who have power, who are installed and who abuse it”concludes Cécile Andrzejewski.

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