“We don’t talk about proximity, we live it on a daily basis”

The 24 regional branches of the France 3 network are mobilized to bring the legislative campaign to life.

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France 3 is playing a vital role in these legislative elections on 12 and 19 June. Thanks to its local roots and its 24 regional newsrooms, the channel covers the campaign as closely as possible to the concerns of the French people.

Isabelle Staes, the director of regional information of France 3, details the device of the network: “We offer almost 300 meetings around the legislative elections: debates, special broadcasts, soap operas. Our teams live daily with the French people of the territories. So proximity, we don’t tell it, we live it and we put it on our antennas By getting the candidates to talk to each other, but also by giving citizens a voice. We are putting them at the heart of this electoral campaign”.

Like this Wednesday, June 8, where France 3 organizes live citizen debates at 5:45 p.m., instead of the powerful Questions for a champion and just before the crossroads of hearing that constitute the regional newspapers. The opportunity to know the subjects of concern of the voters: “In the territories, the concerns relate to daily life: purchasing power, health… But we are also interested in the possible shift in the balance of political forces in the Assembly. On the other hand, the war in Ukraine, this isn’t really a topic.”

France 3 will organize two election evenings, after the first and second rounds of the legislative elections. Three quarters of the time will be dedicated to regional results.

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