“We don’t take enough care of the poor in this country” protests the presenter of the M6 ​​JT, Xavier de Moulins, guest of Léa Salamé in “Quelle époque”!

The tone was political around Léa Salamé on the set of What an era! this Saturday, April 1, 2023. A rare and precious guest, Anne Sinclair spoke about the current political and social crisis, and the government’s management of pension reform. The famous journalist was very critical of the forced passage of the executive: “The 49.3 isout of age”, she particularly lamented. Anne Sinclair analyzing this unprecedented crisis as the end of a “breathless system”, evoking the flaws of the Fifth Republic, and of the current regime rejected by a part of the French: “We live on a Constitution which dates from 1958 and which is 65 years old”, also underlined the former star presenter of 7 out of 7 on TF1. At his side, the illusionist Eric Antoine and the journalist Xavier de Moulins only approved this fine analysis. The opportunity for the news presenter to M6 to also bring his point of view on the current crisis and on the main fear of the French: poverty.

See also: “A retirement between 1,800 and 2,000 euros”, the testimony of this firefighter on C8 provokes anger on the Web!

“The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer”

The one who is also a writer – he also came to talk about his latest book dedicated to his passion for horses, The night of the thoroughbreds published by Editions Flammarion- shared his analysis as follows: “France is a very beautiful country, that’s for sure, but the French are worried because they are afraid. Because the real subject in France is poverty. There are too many poor people in France, there are almost 11 million poor people. Covid has widened the inequality gap: the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The fear is there, this fear of poverty. And we don’t talk about it enough.” He explains first before giving an example illustrating his point: “There are two kinds of queues in Paris that I find incredible and that put me angry : it’s the queue on the Champs-Elysées in front of Louis Vuitton to buy bags for 6,000 euros, and that’s foreign tourists and a few privileged French people and the queue in front of the food stores which have multiplied and we’re at a district near… (…) deeply, we do not care enough for the poor in this country.”


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