The Minister of the Economy wants to reduce the duration of unemployment compensation for those over 55. Useless for Sacha Houlié, who first recommends waiting until all the measures voted by the deputies are put in place before adding any.
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“We don’t need to come up with a new magic measure,” declares Renaissance MP Sacha Houlié about unemployment insurance for seniors, guest of franceinfo. Earlier this week, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said he wanted to reduce the duration of unemployment insurance for those over 55 to bring it into line with that of other job seekers.
“The objective of reducing unemployment among seniors is a laudable objective”evokes the deputy but he recalls that “the current unemployment insurance reform is only one year old, the France Travail reform which allows the automatic registration of all RSA beneficiaries at Pôle Emploi is not yet in force, the reform which will allow regularization in professions in tension must come, negotiations on the employment of seniors, which result from the pension reform are underway with the social partners”. For him, these four measures must allow “to improve the employment of seniors”.
Among the four measures cited, “three are not yet effective, because either they have just been adopted by parliament, or they are not yet”explains Sacha Houlié. “Perhaps we need to have this whole toolbox in place before thinking about other solutions.”