“We don’t expect much from Emmanuel Macron,” reacts Republican spokesperson Guilhem Carayon


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15 mins

Meetings in Saint-Denis: “We don’t expect much from Emmanuel Macron”, reacts the spokesperson for the Republicans, Guilhem Carayon

Meetings in Saint-Denis: “We don’t expect much from Emmanuel Macron”, reacts the spokesperson for the Republicans, Guilhem Carayon – (FRANCEINFO)

Emmanuel Macron invited party leaders for a new meeting in Saint-Denis on Friday November 17. Andréa Kotarac, spokesperson for the National Rally, and Guilhem Carayon, his counterpart at Les Républicains, returned to the 19/20 info on this meeting.

Emmanuel Macron once again invited party leaders, Friday November 17, to Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) for discussions. Among the demands made by the National Rally (RN) during this meeting, the organization of a referendum on immigration. At the end of the meeting, Marine Tondeliernational secretary of Europe Ecology – The Greens, has indicated that there will be no such referendum. “It is extremely clear to the French today: the only one who wishes to give the French a voice on the subject of immigration is Jordan Bardellareacts Andréa Kotaracspokesperson for the National Rally (RN), in the 19/20 info.

“Communication operations”, according to the LR spokesperson

The president of the Republicans (LR), Eric Ciotti, for his part refused the invitation of the President of the Republic. “We don’t expect much from Emmanuel Macron. We know his methods, his way of doing things. With him there are many words, (…) and ultimately, it never comes to anything“, comments the spokesperson for LRGuilhem Carayon, also present on the 19/20 info set. “The situation is too important in the country to continue the chatter and participate in communication operations for the President of the Republic“, he added.

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