“We do not unite with anyone to do anything”, denounces the former environmental minister Corinne Lepage

The time has come to recreate an environmental movement with all those who do not find themselves in this process“, declared on Sunday on franceinfo Corinne Lepage, former Minister of the Environment of Jacques Chirac and member of Cap ecology, after the official launch on Saturday of the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes).

>> Legislative 2022: we explain everything about the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, concluded between the main left-wing parties

The former candidate for the 2002 presidential election claims to share the point of view of her former comrades Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Jean-Paul Besset and José Bové, who wrote a column in the newspaper Le Monde to denounce the agreement with La France insoumise, which they call “a scam”.

“Whether on Putin, on questions of secularism, on European questions, it is not acceptable”

Corrine Lepage

at franceinfo

According to her, it was necessaryperhaps“the union for the legislative elections,”but we do not unite with just anyone to do anything“.

Where is the program that brings them together when we deny values ​​to such an extent?“, she asks, condemning a “opportunistic deal“which promotes”immediate career interests“in relation to ideas.

The former minister believes that “EELV’s left wing won“particularly through the attitude of Sandrine Rousseau, finalist in the primary, who “screwed up Yannick Jadot’s campaign“.

Yannick had an ecology program in which many of us find ourselves“, she assures, adding that the party is now facing a “split“.”If we are able to meet to build a pragmatic ecology, which makes you want, I am sure that many members of EELV will come to join us.“, she believes.

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