“We do not know how it happened”: Thomas Vergara intoxicated and on a drip

Nabilla has revealed that her husband Thomas Vergara is ill. On Snapchat, on October 28, the 29-year-old influencer explained that she had to call the doctor to come and check on her husband, who looked small and did not seem to be in top form. “There we have a big patient right here!”, she had fun. “So we had to call the doctor and it turns out Thomas had food poisoning”, said the young mother of Milann, who recently celebrated her 2 years. Supported by a nurse who has come home, Thomas Vergara sits on the sofa and says, in a small voice, that he is also “dehydrated”.

His state of health does not seem to alarm his partner, but the latter said that she did not understand how her husband could have been intoxicated. “I don’t know where he got it, we have dishes prepared every day, we eat really well … So I don’t understand but apparently that’s it”, she said without wanting to question the doctor’s diagnosis.

“But he may have touched something and then ate while he’s a hypochondriac! He washes his hands every two seconds, he has 10,000 hydroalcoholic gels in his pockets.”, revealed Nabilla to her subscribers. Before making fun of her son’s father again: “I said to him: ‘Take medicine’ and he said to me: ‘No, I take care of myself'”. For his part, Thomas Vergara posted photos of his convalescence. Under perfusion, he is resting quietly in the living room.

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