“We do not fight the far right with the words of the 90s”, says Emmanuel Macron in the Council of Ministers

The head of government on Sunday described the far-right party as “heir to Pétain”. A qualifier that the President of the Republic obviously did not appreciate, who made it known to the Prime Minister on Tuesday.

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Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron at Mont Valérien, in Suresnes (Hauts-de-France), June 18, 2022. (MAXPPP)

“We have to fight the far right but we don’t fight it with the words of the 90s and moral arguments, it doesn’t work anymore.” In the Council of Ministers, Tuesday, May 30, Emmanuel Macron reframed Elisabeth Borne, according to comments reported by a minister to France Télévisions. The Prime Minister said on Sunday, during an interview with Radio J, thatue the far-right party was the“heir of Pétain”Collaborating Field Marshal during the Nazi invasion of France in World War II.

I have never heard Marine Le Pen denounce what the historical positions of her party may have been and I think that a change of name does not change the ideas, the roots”, had thus assured the head of government. The FN, ancestor of the RN, was founded on October 5, 1972 by executives of the New Order, a nationalist movement born after May-68, but also former Waffen-SS and collaborators of Nazi Germany.

Fighting “on the field of efficiency”

But, for Emmanuel Macron, the arguments put forward by Elisabeth Borne are therefore obsolete. For the President of the Republic, today we must fight the party of Marine Le Pen “in the field of efficiency”. “The millions of French people who vote for the RN are not all fascists. We will not be able to make the millions of French people who voted for her believe that they are fascists”he added.

According to a participant in the Council of Ministers, this statement by the Head of State came at the time of tackling international news with the legislative elections in Spain and the potential alliances between the right and the extreme right in Spain.

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